The Xavier Impact Fund
November 4, 2020
With unity comes strength and support. Xavier Foundation has changed and evolved this year with the introduction of Xavier Impact Fund. The new Xavier Impact Fund combines parish, business and alumni appeals to fundraise for Xavier High School within the main categories of family financial assistance, new teacher endowment and faith and academics. The outreach began October 17 and will conclude at the end of June 2021.
Within Xavier Foundation, Mary Harken holds the position of Xavier Foundation Advancement Director making her responsible for the fundraising efforts involving Xavier Impact Fund. Harken uses her position and explains the importance of the fund.
“My favorite thing about Xavier Impact Fund is that it combines all of our efforts into a fresh approach and philosophy to help make a direct impact on our families, teachers, faculty and most of all – our Saints,” Harken said.
The fund targets these three main groups to support the key components of helping students and future generations receive a Catholic education. Not only that, but because of the fund, new opportunities are brought to Xavier that further develop the total student.
As a result of this fund, Xavier students are impacted as some of the money raised goes back to families to help students receive a Catholic education. Xavier senior and Xavier Foundation intern Ethan Williams explains the importance of the fund with its impact on the student body.
“The Xavier Impact Fund brings new possibilities to Xavier. New additions to Xavier, like the XCEED conference and the Xavier Communities, are given support to directly affect the students to have a better connection with their faith and each other,” Williams said.
While the appeals have combined under the name of Xavier Impact Fund, each appeal will be featured and kick off on certain dates. Parish Appeal began the weekends of October 17-18 and October 24-25 and will be followed by Business Appeal beginning in late October 2020 and staying open through June 30, 2021. Forever Saints Day will be the last to begin on January 28, 2021. It is with the combined efforts in the community that the Xavier Impact Fund has come to life.